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Here's what's NEW on DefeatedXXX
DefeatedXXX Flashback Time! 

Here are some FREE pics of one of our best past sessions!



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Release date: January 2018

Talia is running her mouth about how this girl, Alyssa, is a total loser and acts like she’s thought, but see’s not, claims Talia. Talia, goes on and on talking trash about Alyssa. Maybe Talia is right, looks like we’re going to find out, as Alyssa has overheard the comments and has stepped in to confront Talia. The two ladies go nose to nose, bickering back and forth for a while about who’s tougher and who would win if they fought. Finally, the agree to fight, right here, right now. 

Trash talking
Various head scissors
Several face sits
Camel clutch
Hand over mouth smothers
Belly punch
Face slap
Choking with foot
Pushd shoe kissing
Shoe removal
Sock removal (just one)
Sock stuffed in mouth
Body scissors
Shoe in mouth
Shoe smother
Victory pose

Click on any picture to know more about this amazing video and get it!

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Trial Membership is available now! and all our affiliate websites -  3.99$ for 3 days;
Just try it out to have all the advantages of a full subscription, with HD streaming of all videos for 4 websites with more than 900 videos made in the last years. We update now 15 videos each month!

Demos are now available in all new videos!

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Check it out on with FREE HQ Images! 

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Bianca is talking to the camera explaining that she has a lot of enemies, but there is no one she hates more than Venere. She continues on, telling us that it’s also her birthday today and the thing that would really make her day is getting the chance to destroy Venere. She then shows us a checklist of all the parts of Venere she wants to destroy, with the most important part being her dignity. Of course we knew it was Bianca’s birthday and we all knew what she really wanted for her special day, so one of our staff members call out to Bianca a tell her that we have a birthday gift for her. A deeply concerned and awfully confused Venere is tossed onto the mats and Bianca doesn’t waste a second before she starts to enjoy her birthday gift. Bianca goes right into attack mode and begins to execute her list of destruction. Starting with destroying Venere’s legs, then on to her belly, then her back, and her neck, then finally her dignity. Bianca checks off each part of her list as she completes her tasks. The last section of Bianca’s list gets so brutal Venere starts twitching and drooling for multiple KOs. When Bianca finally crosses the last item off the list, she tears if form the bad a stuffs it into Venere’s bra and take a victory pose. However, Bianca isn’t quite done playing with her gift just yet, she picks up the poor broken jobber to lift and carry her limp body for a little while, before throwing Venere back on the ground and adding one more bit of humiliation, writing loser on another piece of paper and stuffing it in the back of her bikini bottoms before take on more final victory pose and leaving her face down on the mats.

Boston Crab
Leg Spreaders
Knee Bar
Matchbook pin
Modified Camel Clutch
Sleeper Hold
Belly punching
Belly stomping
Body scissors
Head scissors
Camel Clutch
Bow and arrow
Over the knee backbreaker
HOM smother
Foot choke
Split choke
Cross leg choke
Neck snap
Limp play
Victory pose

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DefeatedXXX Highlights Time!

Here are some FREE pics of one of our best past sessions!

And who doesn’t like some pretty hot girls boxing and putting their rivals out?  Check out below some pics of our finest boxe-themed releases!

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DefeatedXXX Highlights Time!
Here are some FREE pics of one of our beautiful models!

Lilith is one of our best jobbers on DefeatedXXX! But she can also kick some ass!

Click below to check out all of our videos starring Lilith!


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             [Image: KO-2-18.jpg]

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DefeatedXXX Flashback Time! 

Here are some FREE pics of one of our best past sessions!



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Release date: February 2019

Meryl is telling us how she has beaten both Lilith and Thea recently and she wonders who will try to take her on next. Lilith then enters and Meryl is quick to laugh in her face, telling that she never learns and need to give up trying the beat her. Lilith doesn’t say anything, as she walks around Meryl with a cocky grin on her face. Meryl is ready to take Lilith down again and squares up, putting her fists up, asking if Lilith is ready. Lilith puts her hands up too, as if she ready to go. Just before Meryl can attack, however, Thea runs in and grabs a hold of Meryl. Apparently, Lilith and Thea have joined pushs to take down Meryl. Unfortunately, Meryl isn’t going down that easy.

Sneak attack
Kicks to the face and body
Body scissors
Trash talking
Standing Bow and arrow
Limp play
Body Pile
Victory pose
Click on any picture to know more about this amazing video and get it!

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            [Image: WRS46-19.jpg]

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DefeatedXXX Flashback Time! 

Here are some FREE pics of one of our best past sessions!



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Release date: January 2017

Lilith takes down Francys with repeated TriangleHolds. After each KO Lilith strips off an article of clothing, then proceeds to kiss, lick and touch Francys’s body. Lilith continues to sneak attack, KO and strip down Francys until she is fully nude. Then Lilith poses and plays with Francys’s limp body for a little while before finally stretching Dee out and leaving her naked body spread out in the middle of the mats.
Click on any picture to know more about this amazing video and get it!

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            [Image: Spy-12-11.jpg]

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DefeatedXXX Flashback Time! 

Here are some FREE pics of one of our best past sessions!



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Release date: June 2017

The video begins with both women strip down from t-shirt and jeans to bikinis all the while staring each other down and talking trash to each other. At first, Valerie gets the upper hand on Elizabeth. She starts applying on Elizabeth wrestling moves such as crippler crossface, TriangleHold, rearnaked chokehold, camel clutch with hand over mouth suffocation and figure four headscissors with hand over mouth. Then, Elizabeth manages to hit Valerie, and she dominates her for the rest of the match.
Click on any picture to know more about this amazing video and get it!

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            [Image: Mvm203-ElizabethValerie.mp4-2017.06.29-0...x576_c.jpg]

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DefeatedXXX Flashback Time! 

Here are some FREE pics of one of our best past sessions!



[Image: 728x90Gif.gif]

Release date: April 2018

Thea, in underwear and boots, decided to challenge Dude to a wrestling match. We don’t exactly know what she had in mind! No match for her, he can easily lift her and play with her like she’s a doll, destroying all of her before leaving her on the floor.
Click on any picture to know more about this amazing video and get it!

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Available on


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DefeatedXXX Highlights Time! 

Here are some FREE pics of one of our best past sessions!

How about some belly punching for our enjoyment? Well, here on DefeatedXXX we got plenty of videos of that and much more!

Check out below some pics of great recent releases and have fun!


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Now we are taking PayPal! 

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[Image: 728x90Gif.gif]
DefeatedXXX Highlights Time!
Here are some FREE pics of one of our beautiful models!

June is a pretty and feisty blonde that ofter comes to DefeatedXXX to play and get her ass kicked! But we don’t mind when she turns the tables and fights back sometimes!

Click below to check out all of our videos starring June!

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            [Image: Mvm-231-2.jpg]

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