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Great superheroine site
I forgot the name of what this company used to be but they have really progressed in their quality over the past few years and I just found it last week.  It is some of the highest quality video's both in cameral work, acting and sleepy material including choke out scenes for those that like those.  The special effects are very solid also.

****click video downloads in top left of page and then pick 'sexy superheroines'****   

I have purchased 9 of their video's and his models are gorgeous.  The outfits are sexy but why I am posting is many of the 'sexy superheroine' line have at least 1 chloro and many have 2.  I have found just over 40 video trailer's that have a chloro on a very good looking model.  I even found a clear mask gas scene that was one of the best produced I have seen in a video called "Wonder Kick 2: Collected"    All their chloro's focus on a nice eye roll and in some cases you 'hear' the thoughts of the victim as she passes out, including a sigh generally'  Many end in a close up of the eyes and pan out to see entire body. 

Every video in that  category has a trailer and they have 6 pages.  I put the link to the site's store all you have to do is pick the category on the left of 'sexy superhoerines'.  I know some of their Spy vids have chloro's too.

If anybody would like to know about the video's I have I would be happy to review them and give the titles.  I recommend the Supernova line.

Their customer service is fantastic I have received respones generally in less than an hour to answer questions I have sent.
Great, thanks for taking the initiative and getting this place up and running :-)

In that website you recommend, does Silk Fist refer to chloroform?
I am not sure to be honest, I'm hoping that more people are able to populate this place with posts. It seems the slumberville forum is in some sort of coma sadly. Hopefully they will fix it but it's been some time now

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