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Crash Landing: A Tale of Chloroform & Sleepy Foot Worship
Please enjoy the rather long introduction to my brand new, science fiction themed sleepy foot fetish story.  It is loosely based off the character of Samus and the world of Metroid Prime:

“Crash Landing”


September 21, 2082

Lexus had worshipped Samus for as long as she could remember.  When she was just a little kid, she would read story upon story of Samus’s conquests.  Lexus would even stay up all night memorizing the statistics of each and every battle Samus fought in.  Samus was Lexus’s idol, and she could only pray that one day she’d be able to meet her hero.


June 4, 2087

Over the years, Lexus sent Samus over three hundred letters but never heard back.  Contrary to what one might think, this actually made Lexus love Samus even more.  Deep down, Lexus knew a hero like Samus would never have time to answer something as trivial as fanmail.  If anything, Lexus would have been disappointed if she actually did receive a reply.  The mere thought of Samus sitting down to read and write letters instead of fighting cosmic evil seemed comical.  But Lexus kept writing those letters, week after week, secretly hoping she’d never hear back—for if she did, she’d know something had gone terribly wrong…


November 11, 2091

As Lexus grew older, she became more and more introverted.  She was extremely beautiful, but at her young age, she didn’t know how to deal with the reality that she was only attracted to females.  Boy upon boy would hit on her, and even though she felt bad rejecting them, she repeatedly said no.  Over time, her classmates began making fun of her.  Some even called her a freak.  But Lexus didn’t mind.  Slowly, she grew into the part.  She stopped cutting her luscious black locks, and began wearing her hair in a long, unflattering ponytail.  She also started wearing thick, black-rimmed glasses even though her vision was 20/10.  She figured the nerdier she looked, the easier it would be for boys to ignore her.  All Lexus wanted was to be left alone so she could study her books and learn everything possible about her lifelong hero, Samus of Sector 1129.  Every night she continued to pray that she’d meet her idol, but up until now, her prayers had not been answered.


October 28, 2093

Lexus was never as physically strong as she hoped, but she was incredibly smart.  To make up for her strength disadvantage, she trained martial arts everyday of the week—Jiu Jitsu in particular—but her real aptitude resided in the realm of science—specifically chemistry.  For whatever reason, the nature in which molecular compounds interacted made perfect sense to Lexus, almost as if it were an instinctual second language.  She couldn’t quite explain the phenomenon but embraced it with a fanatical passion.  


December 17th, 2094

Today, a boy from class cornered Lexus in an empty hallway.  

“I know you want this,” he claimed, forcefully slamming her body against a hollow locker.  

Lexus couldn’t have been less interested and quickly broke free.  The interaction didn’t turn violent, but the boy’s behavior made Lexus feel extremely uncomfortable.  From that day forward, she vowed to never feel vulnerable again.  


February 14, 2095

Lexus routinely spent hours upon hours at the university’s chemistry lab, using each and every resource available to concoct unique and creative means of self-defense.  One of her favorite inventions used a little-known vegetable called Pepper X to create a more powerful, longer lasting version of industrial strength mace.  Lexus actually had to use this spray on the boy who cornered her several months back.  Let’s just say he couldn’t see anything for a week, but now he’s fully recovered and hasn’t as much as looked in her direction since.

Lexus also worked on several less aggressive forms of self-defense, such as a highly potent, more effective version of chloroform.  Lexus’s unique formulation of the liquid sedative promoted all the sleep-inducing effects of chloroform without any its dangerous side effects.  Additionally, Lexus’s sedative was nearly 10x as powerful as standard chloroform and started working in as little as one-tenth the normal induction time.  She secretly referred to this creation as “Lexoform”.


July 12, 2096

Today Lexus graduated from college, but nobody was celebrating.  The Universal Protective Federation had just announced war with a species of alien parasites determined to extinguish all forms of human life.  


July 19, 2096

Lexus found herself glued to the TV.  For the past week, news of Samus’s successful missions were broadcast across the Galaxy.  Lexus usually had a limit on how much TV she was allowed to watch on any given day, but her parents had taken an extended summer vacation and put her in charge of watching the house, along with all forty-five acres of family's sprawling farmland.  Lexus didn’t mind the added responsibility since with it came additional freedom.  She found the isolated nature of the property to be extremely peaceful.  She could yell, scream, laugh...even dance around naked without anybody coming close to seeing her, but as time wore on, Lexus began exhibiting some rather strange behavior.  She would frequently “come to” while touching herself.  Lexus was never quite aware of how or why she began touching herself, but she did realize that each and every time she caught herself in the act, a news story involving Samus was playing on the television.  


July 29, 2096

Lexus’s parents weren’t scheduled to return home until the end of August, so she fully prepared to enjoy her final month of peaceful tranquility.  She read books, cooked dinner, drank wine, and followed every bit of news regarding the ongoing war.  It seemed the tides were turning in favor of the Federation, but the fate of the Universe was still very much undecided.  The key to victory was Samus, and Lexus was rooting for her every step of the way.


August 2, 2096 – 5:48 AM


A thunderous vibration ripped Lexus from a deep, heavy sleep.

“Wuh…what the hell…?” she wondered, groggily rubbing her eyes.

Lexus sluggishly lumbered to her window and peeked through the blinds.  The dusk-laden sky displayed scars across its dimly lit belly.  Bits and pieces of metallic ash fell from above like satanic snow.  Approximately 500 yards to the right of the house, a mangled spacecraft lie smoldering.  Lexus needed less than the blink of an eye to identify the vehicle.  It was Samus’s Gunship.

Lexus rushed outside, hoping to erase her greatest fear.  As she galloped closer toward the Gunship, she began to hear the torquing of twisted metal.

“Nnnnnyyyyahhhhhh!!!” yelled a voice, as a body freed itself from the crackling inferno.

An armor-suited soldier crawled from the wreckage.  Lexus wanted to help but was frozen with awe.

“Huhhhh…huhhhhh…huhhhh…” the soldier labored, reaching toward their helmet.

“IHHHHHHHHRRRRAAAAHHHH!!!” the soldier roared, forcefully removing the malfunctioning headpiece.

Lexus couldn’t believe her eyes.  It was...Samus.  Finally, after all these years, her prayers had been answered...

To Be Continued
Full story available here:

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