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Nothing Personal 2 - The Sequel
Chapter 5
Taking the key card to her room from her purse Rhiannon approached the door and paused before entering, she couldn’t quite put her finger on it but she felt uneasy, like something was wrong. Looking in both directions down the corridor the only other people she could see were a man and woman using each other as a crutch to stay upright walking away from her. They had obviously enjoyed the last night of the conference Rhiannon thought to herself. Putting it down to paranoia after her recent experience of being held captive Rhiannon used the electronic key card to unlock her room and enter. Letting the door close behind her she made her way over to the luxurious queen size bed and collapsed face down in exhaustion. She hadn’t planned to but Rhiannon could feel herself starting to drift off.
She must have dozed as she next thing she raised her head from the pillow she there was a noise that was coming from the corridor outside her room. There was then an electronic sound that could have been the lock disengaging. That couldn’t be right Rhiannon thought, it could only be the maid service and they wouldn’t come until the morning. Quickly checking the clock next to the bed to make sure she indeed hadn’t slept all night.
Rhiannon rolled over and off the bed, heading for the door. As she entered the short corridor that leads from the bedroom to the door Rhiannon was shocked to find that she was face to face with two female paramedics. The two quickly pounced on Rhiannon and forced a cloth over her face, instantly she recognised the chemical smell coming from the cloth as chloroform. Quickly getting over the shock she tried not to panic with the cloth placed over her mouth, she knew that this would cause her to inhale more of the fumes. Rhiannon reacted by trying to scream for help but the sound was effectively muffled by the soft thick cloth that one of the paramedics had pressed over her face. The two women forced her back deeper into the room and finally on her back onto the bed. The two women had the upper hand and Rhiannon didn’t know if she could fight them off. The struggle meant that she involuntarily began to take deeper and deeper breathes drawing the fumes from the liquid deep into her lungs. After a while Rhiannon began to notice that her arms and legs were starting to feel numb and her strength was ebbing away she now knew that this was the chloroform having an effect on her. The edges of her vision blurred and she knew the game was up, she was going out and there was nothing that she could do. Her last thought was that she hoped that she wouldn’t be in to much trouble when she woke up.
Once Rhiannon was out cold the two fake paramedics quickly went about their work, whilst Katie began to strip the woman lying unconscious on the large bed Kirsty removed two compression sacks from a storage area on the stretcher. Kirsty made her way to the far side of the bed and deposited the two large bags onto the bed. Opening them in turn Kirsty removed a down suit and a large overfilled sleeping bag and laid them both out on the bed. Katie by this point has finished stripping Rhiannon and had removed an adult diaper from her rucksack, carefully sliding it under Rhiannon’s bottom Katie used the strips to keep it secured in place. Next Kirsty and Katie combined to put the unconscious Rhiannon into the thickly padded down suit, securing her wrists, ankles, legs and arms with straps. Finally between them Katie and Kirsty manoeuvred Rhiannon into the thickly padded overstuffed sleeping bag and secured the zipper so that there was no way that Rhiannon could get loose. They stood back and admired their handiwork, Rhiannon looked snug and secure. No chance of her getting loose.
With Kirsty taking her shoulders and Katie her legs the two women lifted the securely encased Rhiannon onto the stretcher carefully lowering her head onto a pillow. Kirsty quickly used a number of thick, padded straps to secure Rhiannon to the stretcher. Katie then pulled a blanket over Rhiannon to disguise the fact that they had strapped down inside a thickly padded sleeping bag. If they got seriously questioned they would say that it was a new system for transporting patients as safely and comfortably as possible.
Christina entered the room just as Kirsty and Katie completed putting their target on the stretcher and had really enjoyed coming up with this part of the plan to get Rhiannon out of a crowded hotel. Christina had read somewhere that it was sometimes best to hide in plain view and had the idea for members of her team to pose as paramedics and just walk out with Rhiannon on a stretcher and into the back of a waiting ambulance. Nobody was going to stop emergency services taking a sick woman to hospital. It was brilliant even if she did say so herself. Christina led the way towards the elevators with her two colleagues’ just behind with the stretcher bearing their captive.
Chapter 6
The door to the bedroom opened and Hayley entered, trudged wearily to her bed and collapsed fully clothed on top of the duvet. “Be a dear and give me a hand taking off my boots would you.”
Gillian finished checking her old e-mails, including a strange and brief one from a former college professor and walked across from the desk where she had been sitting to where Hayley had collapsed and asked “How did you get on?” as she raised each one of the prostrate Hayley’s legs individually and removed her heeled shoes.
Placing the back of her hand against her forehead and raising her voice slightly Hayley replied “Oh, officer the man was a brute, a large foul smelling brute. He attacked that other woman and came after me. A cloth was placed over my nose and mouth and I passed out. There must have been some kind of chemical on it. I really can’t remember anything else apart from coming round bound and gagged on the bed” removing her hand she continued “I thought it was a great performance. They definitely believed it. A job well done young lady. Let’s celebrate with a drink!” as she produced a bottle from her bag, raising it high one handed whilst lying flat on the bed. Gillian took the hint and went to get two mugs from the bookcase on the other side of the room. The first drink quickly became a second then a third. They two woman enjoying themselves so much that Gillian didn’t notice the small light flashing on her mobile phone indicating that she had mail.
“How did you explain away the numerous pieces of stolen property around the room?”
“I denied all knowledge. I told the police that the woman had invited me back from the party to get some peace and quiet.” Hayley replied. “The young officer tuned a bit red in the face after I gave him a wink I can tell you, might have been his first day. Anyway the lady thief was led away to answer some awkward questions.”
The following evening Gillian sat distracted at her desk and did not notice Hayley approach until she asked “Zip me up would you” and spun round in a swish of fabric so that her back was to Gillian. Gillian got up almost robot like to help her friend with getting ready for the night shift and zipped up the corset on the large gown style dress that Hayley was wearing. “Thanks” Hayley said glancing over her shoulder as she crossed the room gracefully toward the door. A couple of steps short Hayley paused and turned round. “Are you okay honey? You’ve seemed a bit distracted all day.”
“Nothing serious; just got a couple of things on my mind.” Gillian didn’t tell Hayley about the e-mail that she had received last night whilst they were celebrating. It contained a photograph of her friend Rhiannon Scott and it wasn’t a holiday snap. In it her friend was securely bound, gagged and clearly in distress. The picture was accompanied by a simple message; well it wasn’t so much a message as some demands, two to be precise. The first was to hand across information on work from her former mentor Professor Sarah Smart, which was a problem as she didn’t have it. The second was to aid the escape of Linda Reddick, which was a problem as she was currently held in the facility that she worked at.
“Alright if you need to talk about it give me a shout.” Hayley replied as she put on the short down filled jacket, flicking her long blonde hair out from under the collar. After pausing to check how she looked in the full length mirror next to the door she left the room with a wave goodbye.
Chapter 7
Rhiannon had now been conscious for some time. She sat on the edge of one of two single beds in the room and surveyed her surroundings. It was a relatively large twin bedroom, tastefully if sparsely furnished with a small en suite bathroom. She noticed that there was no door to separate the en suite from the main room and also no handle on the inside of what she assumed to be the door out of the room. In addition to that security feature the windows didn’t open, she had tried earlier both of them earlier. There was a nice view of large, well maintained lawns and gardens out of both windows. However there was a lack of clarity to the view that led Rhiannon to conclude that it was one way glass. The bathroom had a toilet, shower and small cabinet containing toothbrushes, toothpaste and shampoo. Everything a woman could want when being held captive against her will. Getting up she walked across and stood started to pace the room, with a slight waddle. Rhiannon was wearing a one piece down filled nylon suit, she had also checked and the thick padding that she had felt around her waist and groin had indeed turned out to be a diaper. That told Rhiannon that she could expect to be restrained in the very near future.
“Well at least they’ve given us something to sleep in” Michelle said gesturing toward what she believed were sleeping bags sitting in bags at the end of each bed. Rhiannon paused and turned to stare, she had completely forgotten that there was somebody else in the room. Rhiannon had to admit that she felt bad about hardly engaging the other young woman in conversation but at the present time she had other things on her mind.
“You don’t know how right you are” Rhiannon said out loud, although she quickly regretted it. From past experience she could guess what fate awaited in the form of restraint the two young women later on but thought it best not to worry Michelle about details at this time. No doubt she was already struggling with her current predicament.
The door opened and two women entered. Michelle and Rhiannon both recognised the taller of the two from when they were kidnapped from the hotel the previous evening. The second was unfamiliar to Michelle but Rhiannon knew her instantly from an earlier encounter. “Rhiannon Scott we meet again” Christina said with enthusiasm “I wish I could say that it was under different circumstances but I would be lying”
“So you two know each other then?” Michelle asked Rhiannon.
“Firm friends” Christina added with a smile before Rhiannon could respond. Michelle turned her attention to Christina and asked “What’s with the puffy suits?”
“A combination of comfort and practicality”, was the reply. Michelle just nodded like this simple reply was all that was required. Rhiannon stared at the young woman in amazement. Despite being bound, drugged, abducted and brought to this room, in some unknown location she really hadn’t grasped the situation that they both found themselves in. Rhiannon wanted to grab the girl and explain to her they were being held by a very profession group of woman at an unknown location and nobody was going to be looking for them.
“Right as much as I am enjoying our little conversation its time to get you all settled in for nice relaxing and restricting period. Probably best that you take a nice nap as well.” Christina said and made her towards the bed where Michelle was sitting. “Let’s start with the new kid.”
“What do you mean?” questioned Michelle, a slightly concerned look spreading across her face.
Rhiannon’s patience with her fellow captive finally wore out and she snapped “That sociopath is going to tie us up, put us in some kind of sleeping bag contraption and then knock us out with chloroform. And do it all with a smile on her face.”
At this outburst Christina turned her attention to Rhiannon and shot her an admonishing look. Michelle tried to scramble away from the two women toward the top of the bed however her progress when halted when her back hit the headboard.
“Nowhere to go Michelle” Christina taunted.
“Please don’t do this” Michelle pleaded “I just want to go home.” She struggled as Christina and Kirsty lunged at her, making a grab for flailing limbs.
“Enough of this nonsense, Kirsty hold her whilst I get the chloroform.”
Rhiannon looked on with sadness as Christina and Kirsty wrestled with Michelle trying to pin her down on the bed. Kirsty eventually managed to get a firm grip of one of Michelle’s arms and wrench it in an awkward position which illicted a scream of pain from the young woman.
“Michelle please calm down. There is no point in fighting them.” Rhiannon said as calmly as possible. “It doesn’t hurt if you don’t fight and the way they use the bondage is actually comfortable, or as comfortable as it can get judging from my previous experience.”
At this all three woman struggling on the other bed paused and turned to look at Rhiannon. “Look just watch while they restrain me.” Rhiannon moved to the end of the bed and retrieved the bag containing what Michelle had incorrectly guessed was a sleeping bag. Well Rhiannon thought she wasn’t far off the mark. After opening the cloth sack Rhiannon unfolded the sleeping bag and laid it on the bed. She used her hands to smooth it flat and once again took notice of the smoothness of the fabric and also how much more padding it had in comparison to a regular sleeping bag. Rhiannon then stood at the side of the bed and stared at Christina and smiled. “Ready when you are.”
“Okay then. Wrists together in front of you please.”
Rhiannon complied with the instructions and watched as Christina approached with a pair of padded cuffs and used them to secure Rhiannon’s wrists firmly together. Kirsty went into her bag and produced several other padded straps of various lengths and placed them onto the bed. Christina picked up the largest of the straps and after pushing Rhiannon’s bound wrists above her head placed the strap around her waist and tightened it in place. Christina then brought Rhiannon’s wrist back down and used clasp built into the cuffs to lock them to the strap around her waist severely restricting their movement.
“Put you legs together,” Christina commanded
Rhiannon did as instructed and Christina used three more straps to secure her legs together in three places, at the ankles, just below the knees and across the thighs. After checking that all of the straps were secure Christina moved around the now securely bound Rhiannon and fully unzipped the sleeping bag that was lying on the bed. With her freedom of movement restricted Rhiannon clumsily moved toward the bed and with help from Kirsty managed to bump and slide her way into the sleeping bag that would confine her for what Rhiannon hoped would not be a long period of time. Once Rhiannon was lying in the sleeping bag Christina folded the top back across and carefully zipped it up back up and locked it in place. Rhiannon then fidgeted about trying to find the most comfortable position. After a couple of seconds she found it and stopped, once again marvelling at how comfortable she felt despite her bonds.
“Now I think its time for a relaxing nap.” Christina said allowed as she produced a cloth from her pocket and poured chloroform onto it. Christina leaned over and clamped the cloth over Rhiannon’s nose and mouth making sure that it was snugly in place so that Rhiannon was forced to breathe the fumes from the chloroform that had been soaked onto the cloth. Rhiannon did not recoil as the now familiar scent of chloroform invaded her nostrils. Having now been knocked out with chloroform on a couple of occasions she was accustomed to the pungent odour of the liquid’s fumes. Relaxing and taking deep breathes she felt the drug start to have an effect and take her toward the inevitable outcome. Rhiannon felt her arms and legs begin to tingle and then as she took further deep breaths she could feel her eyelids getting heavy and started to see her field of vision narrow. Eventually Rhiannon resistance to the drug crumbled and her eyelids fluttered for the last time and closed over. Linda removed the cloth for a couple of seconds and then put it lightly over the lower half of Rhiannon’s face again allowing her to breathe in more of the fumes. Christina did this on several occasions so that Rhiannon got a heavy dose of the anaesthetic.
“Are you going to do that to me?” Michelle questioned. “It didn’t look too bad.”
“Yes and don’t worry I am gentle” Christina replied. “Now be a dear and get the sleeping bag would you.”

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Nothing Personal 2 - The Sequel - by mrjones2009 - 02-16-2020, 03:10 PM
RE: Nothing Personal 2 - The Sequel - by mrjones2009 - 03-01-2020, 08:42 PM

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